designer • creative

hive brands

ads | social | art direction | email | etc
2020 - 2021

At Hive, I was the wearer of many hats 👒

At Hive, I was the wearer of many hats 👒

I was responsible for all site imagery, product photography, email, advertising, swag, content creation, and campaigns. Anything outside the website UI I owned on the day-to-day.

Influencer_Cards Copy.png
I worked on company merch—totes, tees, stickers, and more.

I worked on company merch—totes, tees, stickers, and more.

Some of which were even sold on the website.

I designed weekly newsletters and product emails as well as e-vites, order confirmation, shipping emails, and our welcome series.

I designed weekly newsletters and product emails as well as e-vites, order confirmation, shipping emails, and our welcome series.

My workflow often involved working through layouts in Figma and then building the emails in Klaviyo directly integrated with our Shopify site.

At the core of Hive's mission was empowerment through education.

At the core of Hive's mission was empowerment through education.

I often collaborated with our copy lead and designed one-sheeters, PR releases, and graphics to keep users and the media informed.

I also worked on all organic and paid social...

I also worked on all organic and paid social...

...and assisted in the art direction and product selection for our first ever commercial.

...and assisted in the art direction and product selection for our first ever commercial.